- Try to maintain a urination schedule
- Keep a bladder diary
- Prepare ahead and empty your bladder (even if you don’t think you need to) before leaving the house, or going to bed
- Try bladder retraining techniques
- Try pelvic floor exercises called Kegels which help strengthen the muscles that control urination
- Balance your fluid intake. Limit or avoid alcohol and caffeine which may be irritating to the bladder
- Make dietary modifications by limiting your intake of carbonated drinks, dairy products, acidic, spicy or sugary foods, and artificial sweeteners
- Eat foods that have a calming effect on sensitive bladders including pears, bananas, green beans, squash, potatoes, lean proteins, whole grains, nuts, bread, and eggs
- Increase the amount of fiber and fluid in your diet if you are constipated
- Maintain a healthy lifestyle by getting in regular physical activity at the level you are capable of and build better exercise capacity
- Tell your cancer care team about all your medications including herbal and OTC meds
- Use incontinence products such as pads to help keep active and comfortable
- Talk with your doctor about surgical and medical options that can help with bladder function

Effective ways of maintaining bladder control
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